How to configure your browser for using Ancient Greek Tutorials

PLEASE NOTE that this document is mostly irrelevant as of 2009. It was needed several years ago, but anyone in 2009 or later using a modern browser on a modern OS should not need this information (and much of it refers to obsolete versions of browsers).

General settings (all modules)
Hearing the sounds (Pronunciation Guide and Pronunciation Practice)
Seeing the Greek using Unicode fonts (for unicode versions of Vocabulary, Verb Drill, Noun Drill, English-Greek, and Paradigms)
Seeing the Greek using GreekKeys Athenian font (for GreekKeys versions of Vocabulary, Verb Drill, Noun Drill, and optonal dictionary information button of English-Greek)


I. General Settings   [top]

Please note that the latest versions of browsers normally have the proper settings by default and usually do not require any adjustment by the user. This includes Internet Explorer 6.x for Windows, Netscape 7 (or 8) for Mac or Windows, Firefox for Mac and Windows, and various Mac OS X browsers.

Netscape 4.x (4.7x recommended) for either platform (Windows, Mac OS 8-9, Mac OS X)

Under Edit menu, select Preferences...

Select Fonts (under Appearance) in the list of choices at left.

The following item should be checked (enabled):

Use page-specified fonts, including Dynamic Fonts

Select Advanced in the list of choices at left.

The following items should be checked (enabled):

Automatically load images and other data types

Enable JavaScript

Enable StyleSheets

Internet Explorer for Windows  [top]

Select Internet Options... under Tools menu.

On the General panel, click on the button Accessibility.

The following items need to be unchecked (disabled):

ignore font styles specified by web page

ignore font sizes specified by web page

format document using my style sheet

On the Advanced panel, scroll down to Multimedia section of list and check (enable) these items:

play sounds

show pictures

Internet Explorer 4.x or 5.x for Mac OS 8-9  [top]

Under the Edit menu, select Preferences...

Select Web Content in the list of choices at left.

The following items need to be checked (enabled):

Show pictures

Show style sheets

Play sounds

Show frames

Allow page to specify fonts

Enable scripting

Enable plug-ins

Internet Explorer 5.x for Mac OS X  [top]

Select Preferences under the Explorer menu.

Select Web Content in the list of choices at left.

The following items need to be checked (enabled):

Show pictures

Show style sheets

Play sounds

Show frames

Allow page to specify fonts

Enable scripting

Enable plug-ins

Netscape Navigator 6.2 for Mac OS X (this is a very sluggish version; upgrade to version 7 if possible)  [top]

Select Preferences under the Edit menu.

Select Appearance: Fonts in the list of choices at left.

Make sure "allow documents to use other fonts" is enabled.

Select Advanced in the list of choices at left.

Make sure "Enable Javascript for Navigator" is enabled.

Netscape Navigator 7 for Mac OS X and Mozilla 1.0.x for Mac OS X[top]

Select Preferences under the Netscape or Mozilla menu.

Select Advanced: Scripts and Plugins in the list of choices at left and enable the following:

Open a link in a new window.

Change images.

Enable Javascript for Navigator

Netscape Navigator 6/7 for Windows[top]

The settings are very similar to those listed above for Netscape 4.x: use Preferences under the Edit menu.

II. Hearing the sounds  [top]

The sounds are in the format of QuickTime Movie (extension .MOV or .mov).

If you are using the newer, Unicode-based versions of the Pronunciation modules (recommended for anyone with an up-to-date computer), the sounds are embedded in the pages and preloaded and your browser should recognize whether it has the needed plug-in or not and help you download it if it is lacking. No further configuation is needed. The "browser requirements" link on the navigation panel of those modules gives more details about which browsers work and which may not.

If you are using the older (GreekKeys) versions of the Pronunciation modules, the sounds are not embedded, but downloaded individually as needed. Again, the newest browsers may come configured to play these without trouble. The most convenient way to play the sounds is using QuickTime Plug-in, which is installed in your browser when you install the free QuickTime Player. On recent Windows systems, if QuickTime is not present, you may be presented with dialogs allowing you to set up Windows Media Player to play the sounds: this works in many cases, but may require you to have the Player on the screen or to use the Media Bar of IE 6. If you don’t hear sounds, the first thing you should try is to download the latest version of QuickTime from the Apple site and install or reinstall. Some previous versions were crippled by a change made by Microsoft. Be sure that old versions of QuickTime Plug-in are not present along with the new version.

For details on a bug that affects Safari users with the GreekKeys version, use the Known Problems link on the Ancient Greek Tutorials home page.

Netscape (4.x; 4.7x recommended if you use version 4) for Mac OS 8-9 or run in Classic mode of Mac OS X and for Windows  [top]

Under Edit menu, select Preferences...

Select Applications (under Navigator) in the list of choices at left.

Scroll through the list to the description QuickTime Movie. The “handled by” column should say QuickTime Plug-in 5.0.2 (or newer version number).

If you select this row and click on Edit..., you should see a panel showing:

MIME type “video/quicktime”

suffixes “mov, qt”

under Handled by, the button before plug-in should be selected and the name QuickTime Plug-in 5.0.2 be shown in the popup menu.

NOTE: it is also possible to select the button for “Application:” and choose the QuickTime Player itself as the application, but this opens an unnecessary window and slows response somewhat. If the plug-in is not working however, you should try this alternative.

Internet Explorer 6 for Windows (latest version) [top]

The application itself contains no accessible settings for Helper applications, as these are set when you install QuickTime or when the program is uncertain what to do with the files and allows you to pick an application (this is when you might select Windows Media Player).

Once QuickTime Player is installed, you should check the following settings.

Open QuickTime Player.

Select Preferences... from the Edit menu.

Select the item QuickTime Preferences.

In the list of choices, first select Browser Plug-in and make sure "play movie automatically" is checked.

In the list of choices, now select File Type Associations and make sure "Macintosh file types" is checked.

If you are getting the sounds already through Windows Media Player and are content with that, then you may wish to use the Media Bar of IE 6 rather than have the WMP window in your way.

Click on the Media button in the toolbar to open the Media Bar.

At the bottom of the Media Bar choose Settings... and enable "play media in Media Bar."

Internet Explorer 4.x or 5.0.x for Mac OS 8-9  [top]

Under the Edit menu, select Preferences...

Select File Helpers  (under Receiving files) in the list of choices at left.

Scroll to find the entry for QuickTime Movie with Extension .mov and MIME type video/quicktime. QuickTime Plugin or Player should be shown as the application for this entry. To edit, select this entry and click on the Change... button.

Under Handling, select View with plug-in (if this does not already appear), and the name of the plug-in should appear automatically. [NOTE: It is also possible to specify the QuickTime Player application instead of the plug-in, but this opens an unnecessary window and slows response. If the plug-in is not working, however, you should try this alternative: this alternative may be necessary if you access the sounds from a CD instead of over the internet.]

IE 5.1.x or higher for Mac OS X   [top]

Select Preferences under the Explorer menu.

Select File Helpers (under Receiving files) in the list of choices at left.

Scroll to find the entry for QuickTime Movie with Extension .mov and MIME type video/quicktime. QuickTime Plugin or Player should be shown as the application for this entry. To edit, select this entry and click on the Change... button.

Under Handling, select View with plug-in (if this does not already appear), and the name of the plug-in should appear automatically. [NOTE: It is also possible to specify the QuickTime Player application instead of the plug-in, but this opens an unnecessary window and slows response. If the plug-in is not working, however, you should try this alternative: this alternative may be necessary if you access the sounds from a CD instead of over the internet.]

Netscape 6.2 for Mac OS X  [top]

This browser is not recommended because it is incredibly sluggish in operation. If you do use it, the plug-in and settings are automatically present upon installation for playing the sounds, running JavaScript, etc. Upgrade to Netscape 7.1 for better performance.

Information about plug-ins is available under the Help menu.

Under the Edit menu you will find Preferences..., which contains many fewer choices than for Netscape 4.7x.

Appearance:Fonts has the setting for allowing the page to specify fonts.

Advanced contains the checkbox for enabling JavaScript.

Netscape 7 for Mac OS X and Mozilla 1.0.x for Mac OS X  [top]

The plugins and settings are automatically present upon installation for playing the sounds, running JavaScript, etc.

Information about plug-ins is available under the Help menu.

Netscape 6.x and 7.x for Windows  [top]

The settings are very similar to those listed above for Netscape 4.x: use Preferences under the Edit menu.

III. Seeing the Greek using Unicode fonts (for unicode versions of Vocabulary, Verb Drill, Noun Drill, English-Greek, and Paradigms)  [top]

The setting that allows the page to specify fonts must not be disabled (see under General Settings above).

For the unicode versions of modules, you may rely on fonts already present in your Windows 2000, XP or Mac OS X 10.2 (or later) system; or if you prefer, or if your configuration lacks one of the designated fonts, the free Greek font New Athena Unicode may be installed. For download see

For Windows use the latest version of either Internet Explorer or Netscape. For Mac OS X use Safari 1.0 or higher, Mozilla 1.4 or higher, Netscape 7.1 or higher, or OmniWeb 4.5 or higher.

How to install New Athena Unicode font.

MACINTOSH OS X 10.2 or higher

Under OS X the font can be installed in either of two places. (1) You may drag the icon of "New Athena Unicode" into the Fonts folder located inside the Library folder at the top level of your startup disk. (Technically, this is /Library/Fonts.)
(2) You may drag the icon of "New Athena Unicode" into the Fonts folder located inside the Library folder inside the folder named for you as a User inside the Users folder at the top level of your startup disk. (Technically, this is ~/Library/Fonts or /Users/[your user name]/Library/Fonts.) In this second case, the font will be available only when you are logged in and not available to other users with separate login ids.
(3) In more recent versions of OS X, you can simply double-click on the font icon, and a window will open in the application FontBook with an Install button: clicking on the Install button places a copy of the font in the user's Font folder (~/Library/Fonts).

After installation of the font, quit your broswer if it is running; then launch the browser.


Copy the font "newathu.ttf" to some place convenient OTHER THAN the Fonts folder.
Install the font as follows:
--Go to the "Start" Menu, choose "Settings," then "Control panels".
--When the Control Panels window opens, double-click on "Fonts".
--When the Fonts window opens, go to the File menu, then select "Install new font".
--When the "Add Fonts" window appears, go to lower window ("folders"), find and double-click to open the location in which you placed "newathu.ttf".
--The font should now appear in the "List of fonts" window above. Select it, then press "OK".


IV. Seeing the Greek using GreekKeys Athenian font (for GreekKeys versions of Vocabulary, Verb Drill, Noun Drill, and optional dictionary information button of English-Greek)  [top]

The setting that allows the page to specify fonts must not be disabled (see under General Settings above).

For the GreekKeys versions of modules, the free Greek font Athenian is necessary. It may be downloaded for either platform at]

The Macintosh font will appear in Internet Explorer 4.x or 5.x, OS 8-9 and OS X; in Netscape 4.x in OS 8-9 or Classic mode of OS X, and in Safari, Mozilla, Netscape, and OmniWeb for OS X. But under OS 10.3 with the latest browsers, omega with smooth and acute will not be displayed (a space appears instead); this character does not appear very often, but to avoid the problem, use the Unicode versions instead.
NOTE: If the Greek is not displaying correctly in these browsers, then under the View menu select Character coding and seek out and select the option for Western(MacRoman), which is the one that allows these browsers to display Athenian correctly. Then, with the main window active, select Reload from the View menu and begin again: after this point, the Greek ought to display correctly.

The GreekKeys font for Windows will work in Internet Explorer only.

The GreekKeys font does not work in Netscape for Windows (not because of an encoding problem, but because Netscape simply does not recognize that this font is present in your system).

How to install Athenian font.


--If you have downloaded the archived version "Athenian.sea", then double-click on "Athenian.sea" to extract the Athenian font on your hard disk. If you have the unarchived version, skip this step.
--Drag the icon of "Athenian" (or "AthenianApr02.suit") (shaped like a suitcase when your computer is started in OS 7-9.x) over the icon of the (closed) "System Folder".
--A dialogue box will tell you it is directing the font into the appropriate part of the System Folder (the Fonts folder); click "ok".
You need to restart your browser or Word Processor to view the Athenian font in the fonts menu.


Under OS X the font can be installed in either of two places.
(1) You may drag the icon of "Athenian" (or "AthenianApr02.suit" or "Athenian2004.suit") (shaped like a document when you are running earlier versions of OS X) into the Fonts folder located inside the Library folder at the top level of your startup disk. (Technically, this is /Library/Fonts.)
(2) You may drag the icon of "Athenian" (or "AthenianApr02.suit" or "Athenian2004.suit") (shaped like a document when you are running earlier versions of OS X) into the Fonts folder located inside the Library folder inside the folder named for you as a User inside the Users folder at the top level of your startup disk. (Technically, this is ~/Library/Fonts or /Users/[your user name]/Library/Fonts.) In this third case, the font will be available only when you are logged in and not available to other users with separate login ids.

After installation of the font, quit your broswer if it is running; then launch the browser.

WINDOWS 95, 98, 2000, XP

IMPORTANT: (1) you must have administrative privileges to install fonts on various Windows systems; if you do not, you may receive various unhelpful error messages about failure to complete a task; (2) the version of Athenian.ttf needed for use in Windows Internet Explorer is dated 1995. Versions dated 2002 and 2004 are for Macintosh only. (3) "Athenian.exe" tries to extract the font and place it in c:\Windows\Fonts, and in some cases this is sufficient for the font to become usable, and in others it is not.

FIRST METHOD: Double-click on "Athenian.exe" to extract the Athenian font ("Athenian.ttf").
If extracting into c:\Windows\Fonts places the font in the Fonts folder and the font then appears when you next launch Internet Explorer, you need do nothing more.
If extracting into c:\Windows\Fonts places the font in the Fonts folder but it is not usable in Internet Explorer, even after you exit and relaunch IE and restart, then use the Alternative Method.

--Put the copy of the extracted font Athenian.ttf in a location you will be able to browse to conveniently.
--Go to the "Start" Menu, choose "Settings," then "Control panels".
--When the Control Panels window opens, double-click on "Fonts". (In XP if Fonts is not visible at first as a choice, use the command within the Control Panels window to ask for the traditional display of the Control Panels.)
--If Athenian is already present in "Fonts", drag it to the Recycle bin.
--In the Fonts window, go to the File menu, then select "Install new font".
--When the "Add Fonts" window appears, go to lower window ("folders"), navigate to the location where you put Athenian.ttf.
--The Athenian font should now appear in the "List of fonts" window above. Select it, then press "OK".
--If IE is running, exit it and relaunch it.
