The Quarrel (on 10th day of the plague)
Flashback: plea of Chryses for ransom of daughter
9 days of plague in response to Chryses' prayer
assembly 54-305
Achilles and Thetis 348-430
mission to Chryse 430-473
return from Chryse 477-87
Thetis and Zeus, Hera and Zeus, 493-end
Agamemnon's Dream from Zeus 1-48
council session and assembly 49-397
Catalogue of Ships 484-779
Trojans and allies 816-end
duel of Paris (Alexandros) and Menelaos
view from the wall (Helen and Trojan elders) 121-244
rescue of Paris; Aphrodite and Helen and Paris 380-448
council of gods on continuation of war 1-72
Pandaros breaks the truce 73-219
Battle, with Agamemnon's encouragement and rebukes 220-418
battle continues, aristeia of Diomedes
rescue of Aineias, wounding of Aphrodite 311-430
wounding of Ares 846-863
battle continues
Helenos advises Hektor to go into city 72-101
Glaukos and Diomedes 119-236
Hektor and his mother 242-312
Hektor and Paris/Helen 313-368
Hektor and Andromache and son 369-495
battle continues
challenge of Hektor, duel with Aias 1-312, night brings end of battle
assemblies; offer of peace rejected, terms of truce for burial agreed 313-420
burials 421-432
construction of the Achaean wall to protect ships 433-end
Renewal of battle
Zeus forbids gods to intervene 1-32
Hera's resistance 197-212, 350-484
embassy to Achilles
further council; spying expeditions on both sides, deaths of Dolon and Rhesos
wounding and withdrawal of several Greek leaders
Achilles sends Patroklos to ask about Machaon 598-845
Nestor's appeal to Patroklos 795-802
battle continues: Hektor breaks gate of Achaean wall
battle continues: Zeus pays less attention, Poseidon gives secret help 1-38
battle continues: wounded leaders return to battle, Poseidon helps
Hera's deception of Zeus 153-353
further help from Poseidon, Hektor injured by stone thrown by Aias and must withdraw
battle continues
Zeus recovers from deception, checks Hera and Poseidon 1-219
Zeus has Apollo revive Hektor 220-300
Patroklos heads back to Achilles 390-404
battle reaches the ships 653-end
battle continues: Patroklos joins battle wearing Achilles armor, drives Trojans back, slays Sarpedon, is killed by Apollo and Hektor
battle continues: battle over the corpse of Patroklos, which is finally carried off the field by the Achaeans (but Hektor has the armor)
battle continues
Achilles informed of Patroklos' death, Thetis promises new armor 1-147
Achilles shows himself to turn back Trojans, night falls, ending the battle 149-242
assembly of Trojans; lament of Achilles
new armor made by Hephaistos 369-477, with description 478-617 (Shield of Schilles)
Thetis brings arms to Achilles, Achilles calls assembly of Greeks to renounce his wrath; after meal, Achaeans go out to battle
new battle
gods allowed to participate 1-75
Aineias duels with Achilles, saved by Poseidon 75-352
Hektor faces Achilles and saved from death by Apollo 428-444
battle continues: Achilles fights with the river gods Scamander and Simois; he pursues Trojans to city gates, but is drawn away by Apollo in disguise
battle continues with Hektor alone outside the city, finally slain by Achilles
mourning for Patroklos 1-64
Patroklos appears in dream to Achilles 65-108
cremation of Patroklos; pyre burns all night 109-225
bones of Patroklos gathered for burial; funeral games for Patroklos 226-end
Achilles keeps mourning, drags body of Hektor around the tomb of Patroklos 1-30
council of gods, decision to instruct Achilles to ransom corpse, instruct Priam to go to Achilles 31-321
Priam travels to Achilles' tent, protected by Hermes 322-675
Priam supplicates Achilles; they dine together, Priam told to stay the night 468-676
Priam aroused before dawn by Hermes and leaves secretly, arriving at Troy at dawn; mourning for Hektor 677-776
Trojans gather wood for pyre 777-784
cremation of Hektor 784-787
gathering of bones, burial, end of Iliad 788-end