Announcement: the next version of GreekKeys keyboards and fontsSeptember 16, 2014 During 2015 I will be working on updates to the GreekKeys keyboards and fonts. The major goals are to create modern (signed) installers and to add Linear B characters to New Athena Unicode font. In addition an effort will be made to circumvent the many obstacles that Microsoft Windows and Word for Windows create by hard-coding certain key combinations that override the keyboard design. The possibility of an iOS version of the keyboard will also be explored. The OpenType substitution features of the fonts may be revised (from liga to ccmp). As this will be the last revision of GreekKeys that I intend to work on, I would like to satisfy as many desiderata of users as possible during this process. I encourage users to contact me in the next few months if they have any suggestions or requests, especially under the following headings:
Finally, it would be most useful to have beta testers. If you want to volunteer, let me know. Donald Mastronarde, GreekKeys support: |